Hollywood Genealogy

Discover the family history of Hollywood luminaries.

History of Tinsel Town

Surnames associated with Hollywood's genealogical heritage include those of Mayer, Coppola, Chaplin, Pickford, Goldwyn, among others. Our extensive database of Hollywood families explores the roots of the many individuals who have contributed to the city's longstanding success. From its Golden Age to modern day cinema, Hollywood's artists and entrepreneurs have created an exciting legacy, whose family histories are documented in rich and interesting detail at Hollywood Genealogy.

Welcome to Hollywood Genealogy

The home of the global entertainment industry, Hollywood is a place that is rich in history and heritage. Our research at Hollywood Genealogy is focused on the many individuals and families who have made this city renowned for its artistic legacies in film and music.

Hollywood’s standing as the world’s entertainment capital began with Harvey Henderson Wilcox (1832 – 1891) and his wife, Daeida, who established a ranch on land west of the city of Los Angeles in 1887, giving it the name Hollywood. Around 1910, this area laid the foundations for the burgeoning motion picture industry.

The story of Hollywood is a diverse and interesting one. It’s a place where people of all nationalities, ethnicities, and backgrounds have come together for more than 100 years to make great art and popular culture, leaving behind many interesting stories in real life, as well as the Silver Screen.

Since its beginnings as the world capital of cinema in the early 1900s, Hollywood has always been a place that fostered stories and creativity. The early 20th century was also the period of time when the spotlight shone brightly upon the golden age of Hollywood. It was a time when America’s artistic nobility reigned supreme, and when family legacies were created, some of which spawned several new generations of artists, taste makers, and entrepreneurs.